Bogdan Mogilevsky professional artist monumentalist. Born in 1973 in Lugansk (Ukraine). After Art College in his native city, entered the Kharkov Art-Industrial Institute (now Kharkov Academy of Design and Arts) in a monumental office and complete it in 1997.He perfectly mastered monumental techniques such as stained glass, mosaic, fresco.
Since 2001, lives and works in Zadar (Croatia) Member of Union of Croatian artists in Zadar. Regularly participates in exhibitions, both in Croatia and abroad. You can mention such important exhibitions as "Adam”s rib, " presented in the gallery "Kapitanova Kula in Zadar, in 2005, in Saint Danat in Zadar in 2007.
Currently, much attention has paid Bogdan sacral theme. Last work on sacred theme, performed by Konstantin-triptych on the theme of "Coronation st. Mary”s" for the Church of Ascension of Blessed Virgin Mary in Bibine (Croatia). No less important sacred works of the earlier period, this "condescension of the Holy Spirit on Mary and the Apostles, Jesus Emmause" magnificent canvases decorating church Zadar, have done in classical realist style.
Bogdan works as techniques in oil as watercolor painting. Watercolor painting opens full of attitude as Bogdan artist. His paintings radiate calm and peaceful contemplation - something lacking in the modern, pragmatic world.