Prehistoric art
Works of art of prehistoric hunters and collectors share on two categories - petroglyphic lists and small sculptural forms. Small subjects of a life were often decorated on all territory of Europe, and the major monuments of petroglyphic painting are concentrated basically to the southwest of France and in the north of Spain; in territory of the former USSR these images of mammoths and rhinoceroses in Kapov to a cave in Southern Urals Mountains. During same time amazing figurines were created also (it is so-called more often. "Venus" connected with a cult of progenitresses), but the most known products of prehistoric art are bright petroglyphic lists of times of the top paleolith, remained in caves.
Natural pigments (for example, ohra), gave artists set of shades red, brown and yellow. Large animals were represented basically. People on these frescos are rare: the same, that is, are usually dressed in masks and animal skins - it is probable, it is a part of the hunting ritual.
In Liskо in the southwest of France in 1940 best of prehistoric lists known for today "gallery" has been found . It is about 15 000 years old.
In cave Altamire (the north of Spain) the list on a ceiling, created near 14 000 years ago, represents bisons, wild boars, bisons and mountain goats. Believe, that the image of animals was a part of the rituals devoted to hunting and fertility.
Abundantly clear, that the artists creating the first works of art in so remote places, they should be moved by greater idea. Probably, it was the early form of religion.